
Absen Dulu


Senin, 20 September 2010

Pet Society Cheat

 Nih cheat pet society sory pake inggris biar diliat ma luar jg hehehe ^^

want download cheat pet society on facebook. cheat pet society is avaible for download is cheat for PAW point and cheat for money(new).
Here’s the cheat, at the First you must download flash player 9 not 10 and browse with mozilla. Uninstall your other versions. Then download cheat engine 5.4.
At CE 5.4, you can checklist hex, change value type to 8 bytes and checklist “also scan read only memory”. Then you buy something first. With CE 5.4, scan address and see memory viewer. You get address and value, this will attach the debugger of cheat engine to the current process, and press yes. Now, what you see??have a change??
you can download this cheat at here and get the password after you follow this blog and see the “url”.

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