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Minggu, 19 September 2010

The Sims Cheats

Nih gan akhirnya aku nemuin cheat the sims soalnya banyak yang req . tq baca ^^
  • Quick money While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter the "klapaucius" code. Then, display the cheat prompt again and type "!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!" (up to sixty total commands may be entered).
    While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter "klapaucius;:" as a code. Then, hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians.

  • Nude Sim While your Sim is inside the shower and there is no pixelated censor, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter the "move_objects on" code. Then, move your Sim/shower to somewhere in the house and they will be nude.
    As soon as a Sim enters the shower or bath, go to build mode and use the hand tool to remove the shower or bathtub from the bathroom. The Sim will continue to shower or bathe, but they will be bare without the pixelated censoring.

  • Quick navigation Hold [Alt] and press the cursor keys to navigate quickly.

  • Real music Note: This trick requires a music recording/downloading program. Record/download the music of your choice. After that save the music file(s) to The Sims game in the path "/Maxis/The Sims/Music/Stations/" followed by "Rock", "Classical", "Latin", or "Country". This can also be saved so that the TV plays the music by selecting the "SoundData/TVStations" path instead of "Music", then choosing "Mystery", "Romance", "Comedy", or "Action".

  • Magic garbage bag The following trick will save the time needed to take the garbage to the street. Buy the 30 simolian trash can. Order your Sim to empty it, then cancel the order just as they remove the bag from the trashcan. Then, order them to pick up the mess that they just created. Your Sim will return the full bag to an empty can. Repeat this each time it fills and trash will never have to be brought outside again.

  • Less bills Keep an unpaid bill until the mailman delivers the next set of bills. Pay the original bill when your mailbox is filled with the next set of bills. This should cause the bills inside the mailbox to disappear.

  • Easier relationships Create a family with a male and female adult that are of the same category (such as Virgo and Virgo) and move them into a house (or created house). Immediately after selecting live mode make them kiss approximately ten times in a row to set their relationship meter to 100. If you continue kissing the female, she should ask to have a baby.

  • Cheat Codes While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt box in the upper left corner of the screen. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time.
    Result Cheat Code
    1000 Simoleons (unpatched game version)klapaucius
    1000 Simoleons (patched game version)rosebud
    Add new family history stat to the current familyhist_add
    Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt
    every time a route is found
    Architecture tools automatically set the level as neededauto_level
    Automatically import and load indicated FAM fileimport [FAM file]
    Automatically load indicated house, no questions askedhouse [house number]
    Check and fix required lot objectsprepare_lot
    Completely flush app to VM file when running
    Windows NT
    Crash gamecrash
    Create moat or streamswater_tool
    Create shrunk_text_#.bmp filesshrink_text [font_size] [text]
    Create-a-character modeedit_char
    Display personality and interestsinterests
    Draw all animation frames disableddraw_all_frames off
    Draw all animation frames enableddraw_all_frames on
    Draw colored dots at each person's origindraw_origins
    Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txtcore_dump
    Dump selected person's most recent list of scored
    interactions to a file
    Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a
    Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for
    social interactions
    End sim loggingsim_log end
    Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheatscht [filename]
    Floorable grid disableddraw_floorable off
    Floorable grid enableddraw_floorable on
    Force an assert for testingassert
    Log animations in the event log windowlog_animations
    Map editor disabledmap_edit off
    Map editor enabledmap_edit on
    Move any objectmove_objects on
    No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is
    tutorial off
    Prevent web browser crashesbrowser_failsafe
    Preview animations disabledpreview_anims off
    Preview animations enabledpreview_anims on
    Programmer statstile_info
    Quit gamequit
    Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt#import
    Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratchrebuild_cp
    Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF
    files are writable
    Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps
    for all user characters
    Restore tutorialrestore_tut
    Rotate camerarotation [0-3]
    Routing debug balloons disabledroute_balloons off
    Routing debug balloons enabledroute_balloons on
    Run series of random operations on unhoused familiesfam_test [opcount]
    Save currently loaded housesave
    Save family history filehistory
    Say "plugh"plugh
    Say "porntipsguzzardo"porntipsguzzardo
    Say "xyzzy"xyzzy
    Selected person's path displayeddraw_routes on
    Selected person's path hiddendraw_routes off
    Set event logging masklog_mask
    Set free thinking levelautonomy [1-100]
    Set game speedsim_speed [-1000-1000]
    Set grass change valueedit_grass [number]
    Set grass growthgrow_grass [0-150]
    Set lot sizelot_size [number]
    Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulatorsim_limit [milliseconds]
    Set sim speedsim_speed [-1000 - 1000]
    Set time of day (unpatched game version)set_hour [1-24]
    Set z offset for thought bubblesbubble_tweak [z offset value]
    Sets the neighborhood directory to the path[directory path]
    Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flaglot_border [<tl> <tr> <bl> <br>]
    Sets whether menu items appear for in use objectsallow_inuse
    Show memory view window in debug builds of the
    Start sim loggingsim_log begin
    Swap the two house files and updates familiesswap_houses [house number] [house number]
    Ticks disabledsweep off
    Ticks enabledsweep on
    Tile information displayedtile_info on
    Tile information hiddentile_info off
    Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the
    Toggle assets reportreport_assets
    Toggle automatic object reset feature auto_reset
    Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loopsim_peek
    Toggle camera modecam_mode
    Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person
    control menus
    Toggle musicmusic
    Toggle object compression in save file obj_comp
    Toggle quaternion transformationsquats
    Toggle sound log windowsound_log
    Toggle soundssound
    Toggle web page creationhtml
    Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits
    and skins
    Trigger sound eventsoundevent
    Write out an RTE file every time a route is foundwrite_routes
    Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt#export

  • Cheat Ayodance Perfect No Delay Download Gratis

    Nih gan para gamers ayo dance aku post cheatnya langsung baca aja ok ^^

    cheat games ayodanceTernyata setelah ketagihan games ayodance mulai dech membutuhkan cheat perpect ayodance periode bulan Januari, Februari dan Maret (New a.k.a peridoe terbaru). Download gratis dulu yuukk ...

    Download Cheat Auto Perfect (PF)

    Download Password Cheat Auto Perfect (RF)

    Untuk cara penggunaannya silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
    1. Download cheat dan passwordnya, setelah itu disable anti virus di komputer kamu
    2. extract file zip hasil dari download cheat gratis
    3. copy semua isi folder ke folder instalation AyoDance termasuk isi folder AuditionDll
    4. Jalankan programnya
    5. setting pf nya ubah dari 5 menjadi 7
    6. yang kick hoatnya kasih centang dua-duanya
    7. yang bawah browse file yang udah dicopy tadi di tempat tadi mencopy. (file yang ada di folder AuditionDll)
    8. jalankan ayo dance seperti biasa
    9. di lobby tekan f6 di room tekan f3 sebelum memulai game..
    10. Selamat Auto pf ria
    Saya kasih bonus juga Download Cheat Games Ayodance, walaupun kalau anda mau jadi seorang gamer, don't use Cheat to be A Gamer
    1. Download Cheat Games Ayodance
    Caranya :
    1. Saat lagu mulai didendangkan Tekan F9 sampai bar stop di garis putih
    2. Setelah jalan dan menekan spasi tekan F9 lagi
    3. Ulangi secara berturut-turut sampai jari tangan anda bengkak

    Happy Pets Cheat: Money Coins Hack

    Nih gan sekarang beda lagi kita bahasnya , bahas tentang Happy Pets, dan sorry kalo aku pake bhs. inggris . hehehehe ^^ ayo baca

    This Happy Pets cheat guide will explain how to get lots of happy pets money coins, using Cheat Engine 5.5!
    Perform this Happy Pets money cheat while you still can, because these things gets patched pretty quick.

    Continue reading for a full guide on how to hack the coins in Happy Pets.
    You will need Cheat Engine 5.5 to perform this cheat, so be sure to download and install it:
    Download Cheat Engine 5.5
    Note that using this cheat might violate the terms of service of this game, so use at your own risk!

    Follow this guide to perform this cheat:
    1. Open Happy Pets in Firefox and also open Cheat Engine.
    2. Select Firefox as your process in Cheat Engine.
    3. Select double value in Cheat Engine, and type down the exact amount of coins that you have in Happy Pets. Now perform the new scan.
    4. Spend your coins on something, it can be any amount. Now go back to Cheat Engine, change the value to the current amounts of coins you have (after spending some) and then perform next scan.
    5. If you have more than 1 address found, repeat these steps until you will have only 1 address found in Cheat Engine.
    6. Now change the value of the address found to any amounts you want (this represents your coins) and freeze it.
    7. Enjoy having unlimited coins!


    Nih gan applikasi lagi :D ayo baca ..







    Nih gan saya dapet applikasi dah deh gak usah banyak cingcong langsung baca aja :D

    Link Download

         -=HAPPY CHEAT=-


    Cheat Point Blank update 11 September 2010

    Effects :
    1. Ammo (always ON)
    2. Misi Mayor

    Tutor :
    1. Extract File Rar yang sudah di download

    2. Buka PB launcher
    3. Check (untuk menghindari Bug Trap)
    4. Start
    5. Saat loading Hack Shield (HS), klik inject.exe (double klik)
    6. Jalankan PH/PE/atau yang kamu suka
    7. Suspent Point Blank (tunggu sampai loading HS penuh)
    8. Copas HS lama ke Folder Point Blank
    9. Resume (jangan lupa close PH/PE/lainnya)

    Tips :
    1. Timing dan kecepatan sangat dibutuhkan
    2. Flash Disc

    Bagi yang belum ada PE silahkan download disini
    Happy Cheating

    Tutorial Cheat “Hack Level” Ninja Saga di Facebook

    Halo.. Gimane kabarnya nieh Gan?? Sehat Selalu?? amiinn… Wah, kayanya tambah banyak aja nieh gamer’s Ninja Saga. Ane abis browsing-browsing, Surfing di Mbah Google. Ternyata hampir gak ada Topik ini. Dan setelah saya bincang-bincang dengan teman di Facebook, akhirnya saya bisa berbagi sedikit ilmu yang keliatannya sederhana. Tapi berguna. hehe...
    Sesuai sama judulnya di atas , “Tutorial Cheat “Hack Level” Ninja Saga di Facebook“. Gak usah pake lama donk, guwa udah gak sabarin nieh ama cheat ini. Okeh.. Di postingan aku yang jadul udah dibagikan beberapa Cheat dan Tool-Toolnya. Baik yang masih bisa di gunakan maupun yang sudah tidak bisa digunakan seperti Cheat Jurus Amaterasu, dan Spirit Touch. Mengapa ada beberapa cheat yang tidak bisa digunakan?? Saya rasa agan2 udah pada tau ya kenapa sebagian Cheat Ninja Saga udah pada gak bisa dipake lagi. “MAINTENANCE..!!! Betul banget gan..
    Kali ini Ane pengen bagi-bagi ilmu lagi tentang dunia Cheat Ninja Saga di Facebook. Langsung liat Tutorialnya di bawah.
    *Sebelumnya perlu diingatkan bahwa Cheat ini sifatnya bertahap dan terus di ulangi sampai level yang kita inginkan..
    Sebelumnya coba masuk ke Ninja Saga dulu buat cek exp kita sekarang, dan berapa exp lagi yang dibutuhkan buat naik level..
    Untuk yang masih baru, Buat char baru, ikuti aja ampe battle selesai, ntar kan kita lihat di menu exp 130/141 berarti kita perlu 11 poin exp untuk naik lvl. Tapi inget, jangan kita tambah 11 poin, kurangi aja 1 poin, jdinya 10 poin nantinya. Berarti hasilnya bakal seperti ini 140/141..

    Nah, buat pemain lama juga sama. Liat kebutuhan Exp kita terus kurangin 1. Gampangnya,  tinggal di selisihin aja.
    Kalo udah, langsung praktekin
    Tutorial di bawah ini.
     1. Download dulu cheatengine 5.5 (CE) ato berapa aja lah di
    2. Maen pake browser mozila firefox. (kalo yang laen kaya
    Google Chrome ane belom nyoba)
    3. Log In Facebook kaya biasa.
    4. Buka Ninja Saga tpi jangan masuk ke char kamu.
    5. Buka CE 5.5 (yang versi berapa aja jg bisa)
    6. Klik gambar komputer yang ada kaca pembesarnya, tepatnya di bagian kiri atas, dibawah Menubar File.
    7. Cari
    mozila firefox dan klik Open.
    8. Cheklist/beri tanda centang hex, asrom, dan ganti 4 bytes ke 8 bytes.
    9. Masukkan value “3B0008C25B5E0689″ lalu First scan.
    10. Setelah di scan akan ada 2 address, pilih yg ke-2, klik kanan “Dissamble this memory region”
    11. Klik kanan mov [esi],eax “ToogleBreakPoint”.
    12. Klik play ninja saga pd char yg anda inginkan.
    13. Klik debug > run > debug > run. Kan ceritanya kita lvl 1.
    14. Di bagian kanan atas ada register “EAX 00000082″(kenapa 82? karena exp sekarang jmlhnya 130 ini dalam bentuk desimal, dan 82 itu dalam bentuk heksadesimal). Tadi kan kita hanya perlu menambah 10 poin untuk mendekati naik level, yaudah 130+10=140, ubah 140 jadi heksadesimal, jadinya “8C”, lalu 2x klik “EAX 00000082″ dan ganti dgn “0000008C”.
    15. Klik kanan lgi “tooggleBreakPoint”, klik debug > run.
    16. Maka anda akan masuk ke dalam ninja saga dengan lvl 1 exp 140/141.
    17. Coba misi 1x untuk naik level.
    18. Untuk level 2 cara sama, tinggal ulangi poin 1-13, pas point 14 logikanya begini, misal exp sekarang10/304, berarti kita perlu 294 untuk naik lvl, inget kurangi 1 point, jadenya 293. Gunakan langkah 14 untuk mengetahui jumlah exp kita sekarang, misal yg tertera “EAX 00000097″ (kenapa 97? karena exp sekarang totalnya 151 ini dalam bentuk desimal, dan 97 itu dalam bentuk heksadesimal). tadikan kita hanya perlu menambah 293 poin untuk mendekati naik level, yauda 151+293=404, ubah 404 jadi heksadesimal, jadinya “1BC”, lalu 2x klik “EAX 00000097″ dan ganti dgn “000001BC”.
    19. Klik kanan lgi “tooggleBreakPoint”, klik debug > run
    20. Maka anda akan masuk ke dalam ninja saga dengan lvl 2 exp 303/304
    21. Coba misi 1x untuk naik level
    22. Untuk level 3 dan seterusnya sama saja, yang beda expnya.
    Nah, selesai deh postingnya. Silakan Komentarnya ditunggu...

    New cheat skill ninja saga

    Nih gan yang suka main ninja saga di facebook nih aku kasih tau cheat skill lumayan buat bantu misi hehehe baca aja ,,, silahkan ...

    Use this cheat at your own risk
    not permanen skill, but helping in mission
    i make it my self
    just 1 step
    I’m trying to make it permanent and no banned
    1. kosongkan 2 tempat skill ( wajib )
    2. open fiddler n clear chace
    3. download swf.a. download di SINI
    4. drag swf.a
    5. maenkan misi level 1
    6. jangan mrnggati skill
    7. jangan melakukan misi itu lge
    8. finish
    NGAT :
    1. sebelum mengcheat kmu haruss clear chace
    2. sebeum mengcheat haruss mengkosongkan 2 tempat skill
    3. setelah misi berhasil tdak bleh mengganti skill n tdak bleh memainkan misi itu lge
    jika menglami kegagalam dalam mendownload swf ataupun di suruh untuk pke credit..
    maka bilanga aja ke gw..
    krnaa gw akan mengupload lge..

    Cheat Pb Pelor ga abiz2+ Bomb ga abiz2

     Nih gan ada lagi cheat Pelor ga habis2 n bom ga habis2 hehehe nakutin ya ... Baca aja ^^

    darongdot <<<<<<<< DOWNLOAD
    copas aja ke folder PB loe gan.
    - Pelor no reload
    - Bomb no limit
    - alt+tab without bumbu.
    sengaja gk pake kriss no limit. dah kelewat sakit tu senjata. ntar banyak yg show off..

    Cheat Pb Ammo+Wall Shoot+Ngisi Drh

    Nih gan saya kasih tau lagi cara ngisi darah , peluru gak habis , dan misi major

    klo ngisi darah cuma pencet`a ctrl+2=ngisi drh ctrl+1=pluru ga abis2 F12=misi major...

    klo wall shoot`a pake CE gan
    1. Jalannya Cheat Engine.
    2. Jalanin PB launcer.
    3. Klik start di PB launcher.
    4. Kembali ke Cheat Engine.
    5. Pilih Process PointBlank.exe trus klik advance option yg ada di pojok kiri bawah.
    6. Klik Tombol Pause the game/ II saat Hackshield loading di kanan bawah layar.
    7. Setelah PB.exe di pause ganti "Value type" jadi "Arry of Bytes"
    8. Tuliskan code 88 95 F0 FE FF FF di kotak pencarian (nnti mncl 2 addres pilih yg atas)
    9. Klik kanan found addres tersebut & pilih "Dissamble this memory region"
    10. cari yg byte`a 55 samping`a ebp Teken Ctrl + A
    11. Pilih template > Cheat tabel framework code
    12. Pilih tamplate lagi > code injection
    13. Lihat baris ke 21
    14. Ganti push ebp jadi ret
    15. Pilih File > Assign to current Cheat table
    16. lgnsng aja tutup jendela`a abis assign
    17. Frozen / centang table yg kita udah buat tadi.
    18. Tutup Cheat engine & PointBlank.exe otomatis jalan seperti semula.
    selesai dah wall shoot :D

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