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Senin, 20 September 2010

Gunbound Cheat: 1 hit kill

 Nih all GundBound 1 hit kill konyol kan tapi menarik kikkikikiki ^^

Berita bagus buat gunbound sejati [ eh,curang sejati deng :dunce_tb: ] keluar lagi neh cheat gunbound baru di akhir bulan juni kemaren aku dapet cheat gunbound 1 hit kill atau 1 hit KO, jadi kalo pake cheat ini langsung KO gitu skali pukul :flush_tb: , ga sabar kan? langsung download disini dan dapatkan password disini. oh ya katanya sih lebih mantep lagi kalo digabungin ama cheat proshoot yang dulu itu tau kan?? lihat –> cheat proshoot.
After you downloaded 1 Hit Kill Gunbound cheat, read the tutors below :
  1. Open Start > Control Panel
  2. Folder Option
  3. View Tab
  4. Uncheck “hide extension for known file types”. But if your “hide extension for known file types” didn’t checked, leave this step
  5. Open IXFS.exe
  6. Click IXFS on the top-left
  7. Open XFS archive
  8. Find your Gunbound graphics.xfs (example D:\Gunbound)
  9. Choose graphics.xfs then click open
  10. Drag characterdata.dat that I given to the IXFS
  11. Finalize Archive
  12. If there a question, choose “YES”
Tha daaa. .Now you can kill all of your enemies just in 1 Hit by using 1 Hit KO Gunbound Cheat! Good luck guys! :bye_tb:

Crossfire : Ghost mode Hack

 Nih buat para penembak jitu baca aja langsung ^^

Uda pada tau ga di forum luar pada ramai bicarain game Crossfire? Katanya sih ada bug di crossfire,  Ghost mode Hack yah sejenis wallhack crossfire gt deh. Langsung dah tanpa basa basi, ini langkah2nya ngebug di crossfire . .
1.buka crossfire folder
2.buka rez folder
3.cari file namanya RF017.REZ
4.trus jalanin Crossfire kamu
5.kalo x trap slsese loading delete tuh file RF017.REZ
6. tapi inget bro, jangan delete permanen ya. jadi tiap mw ngebug ya kek gt stepnya, OK :)
hehe semoga bermanfaat nih caranya, leave comment bro :) thx cheatgame

Pet Society Cheat

 Nih cheat pet society sory pake inggris biar diliat ma luar jg hehehe ^^

want download cheat pet society on facebook. cheat pet society is avaible for download is cheat for PAW point and cheat for money(new).
Here’s the cheat, at the First you must download flash player 9 not 10 and browse with mozilla. Uninstall your other versions. Then download cheat engine 5.4.
At CE 5.4, you can checklist hex, change value type to 8 bytes and checklist “also scan read only memory”. Then you buy something first. With CE 5.4, scan address and see memory viewer. You get address and value, this will attach the debugger of cheat engine to the current process, and press yes. Now, what you see??have a change??
you can download this cheat at here and get the password after you follow this blog and see the “url”.

Cheat MiCash Audition

 ayo all yang gak mau beli michas cheat aja yap .. hehehehe ^^ for english

This cheat is like a bug MiCash in Audition. It’s really and simple, just login with same char. At forum, many people ask eksperiment, wait ss, work or not include me, I’ll try it. Now, to get information about bug micash audition, you can read tutorial at below.
hmm. .I think doesn’t need a tutorial, just download at here. and if you like this infomation, you can help me by “follow” on this blog, just click follow on right sidebar and you will get the password. .(the password is “the url” after u click on “follow this blog“)
credit 4 cheatgame

Cheat Facebook : Mafia Wars

 Nih all dapet lagi cheat mafia wars hehehe ... go

Friend cari Cheat Mafia Wars ya? baru liat2 di cheatgame katanya sih bisa dapet godfather, all weapon and tools, level sampe 20648.
1. download cheat engine 5.5
2. go to your mafia wars account
3. go to the inventory page,
4. on the buy items page, go next to the buy button and right click and select inspect element
5. right click next to the item that you wish to buy alot for.
6. click inspect element.
7. go to the section of the code showed in the picture and change the red number to how many you want and make sure you select that number in the drop down box.
Trus mesti pake Firefox versi terbaru teman, instal firebug  juga biar bisa inspect element. Diedit deh energy, healt, stamina, duit kalo perlu. hihi kalo download linknya sih aq ga yakin, soalnya cheatgame ngasih link download referal link orang luar gitu, bayar $19. . Kalo cheat ga work sori ya pren :down_tb: I just want to share :bye_tb:

Left 4 Dead Hints & Cheats

all aku dapet cheat Left 4 Dead for PC langsung baca ae ^^

At the main menu, select "Options," then "Keyboard/Mouse." Enable "Allow Developers Console." During gameplay, press "~" to access the console. Type in "Sv_Cheats 1" and press "Enter" to enable the cheats. Then, enter any one of the following:
Cheat Effect
boom Spawns a active pipebomb under you.
director_force_panic Forces a panic event
director_no_human_zombies 0/1 Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map
director_no_mobs <1/0> No mob rushes
director_panic_forever 0/1 Enables/Disables never ending panics.
director_stop Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
fire Spawns a lighted molotov right on the floor under you.
firstperson Play in first person (default); this cheat is only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled
give ammo Full Ammunition
give autoshotgun Gives auto shotgun
give first_aid_kit gives you first aid kit
give gascan gives gascan
give health gives full health
give hunting_rifle gives hunting rifle
give molotov gives molotov
give oxygentank gives oxygen tank
give pain_pills Gives pain pills
give pipe_bomb gives pipebomb
give pistol Get Pistol
give propanetank gives propanetank
give rifle Gives you an Mk 47 (machine gun)
god Invincibility
noclip Toggles No Clipping Mode
retry You can unlock achievements while using cheats (after entering sv_cheats 1, enter retry so that it will restart the game with the cheats on)
sb_friendlyfire <1/0> Sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do firendly fire damage
sv_infinite_ammo 1 Unlimited Ammunition
thirdperson Sets the camera to be in third person mode.
thirdpersonshoulder Sets the camera to over-the-shoulder third person mode
thirdperson_mayamode Sets the camera to be fixed in place while in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off.
tongue_range <#> (Default 750) Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack
z_common_limit Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies
z_frustration_lifetime <#> Sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the Tank from not attacking survivors
z_health Change Zombie Health
z_spawn <bossname> spawns a special infected (infected names:hunter,boomer,smoker,witch,tank)
z_spawn boomer Spawns boomer at location of crosshair
z_spawn hunter Spawns hunter at location of crosshair
z_spawn mob spawns a zombie horde
z_spawn smoker Spawns smoker at location of crosshair
z_spawn tank Spawns tank at location of crosshair
z_spawn weapon_SMG Gives you the SMG.
z_spawn zombie Spawns 1 Zombie
z_speed Change Zombie Speed
z_tank_health <#> Sets the maximum health of the Tank
z_witch_allow_change_victim <1/0> True/False setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first
z_witch_burn_time Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not affect damage caused by fire)
z_witch_damage <#> Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does.
impulse 101 Gives Ammo To Your Primary Weapon
buddha 1 just like god but you receive damage(sometimes if you are the only survivor left you can't receive damage from infected)
z_pounce_damage X amount of damage you want to do to survivors
sb_give XXXX x= desired entity to give to your bot teammates (the console should give you a list)
tongue_fly_speed X x= amount of speed that you want for the smoker's tongue to fly
z_pounce_door_damage X x= desired amount of damage to pounce through doors
sb_openfire or open_fire (console will tell) makes your bot teammates shoot nonstop
Ent_Remove Removes All Bots
Vocalize Vocalizes/makes the player say anything like vocalize playereatpills
ent_fire !self addoutput "gravity 0.10 Enables low gravity jumps, falls, and pounces. (works for infected players)

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